Monday, May 23, 2016

Why Discount Spay And Neuter Can Help Animals Live Again

By Brian Wood

There are reasons why having your dog or cat tubes tied. One obvious reason is to stop them from mass producing litters of offspring that would eventually end in the shelters or worst being euthanized. Just like how irresponsible parents make children without planning for these children they either abandon the child or let someone else take care of it.

In the wild the natural cycle of life and death are permanent, the hunters go after their prey and kill them for food and nourishment while prey often have to rely on their group and numbers to make sure they are not the first ones to be taken down. However for domesticated animals can be confusing for human beings to control the growth of these creatures unless discount spay and neuter veterinarians intervene. Wild animals that are born in safari struggle to survive but live in a balanced environment.

Most cats and dogs often give birth by a litter which means they have several pups or kittens born in this world. The mother is often nursing these creatures until such time they become ready to live on their own. However while the mother tries to nurse the litter and cannot help that it has to find food to produce milk because an empty stomach would stop her from feeding them.

In a nutshell spaying and neutering are two ways to get animals especially cats and dogs to have their sexual organs tied or removed. For male it is referred to spaying while females are neutered. Having these option today allows owners to help contribute to the population control of these creatures.

More over it cannot be helped that a big contributing factor to increased population are the owners of such animals. Animals like canine and felines often give birth to a litter which is composed of at least four to five babies. Luckily nature is unpredictable so an owner who is anxious about the future of these creatures can either rely on the fact that two or more of the babies expire from natural death, eaten alive by other predators, or stolen by other humans and predators.

Hence stray animals should be ligated so that it will not spawn other creatures that end dead. And due to that many clinics who specializes on animal health and medicine offer great deals on ligation for these creatures. More over for the best choice creatures should be ligated because the possibility in becoming a stray is strong.

That is why most pets are forced to live on the streets or sent to the pound where others like it are staying and waiting for someone else to adopt them or face the needle to end their existence. It would be sad to say that these creatures are akin to a waste of space. And a person or living thing being a waste of space is something that is unproductive and no longer necessary in the environment.

They are like a wide gaping hole that grows larger every second. And quite parasitic especially if they latch on to something nutritious. However considering ligation will surely benefit a household.

These reasons alone are not enough. Because there could be other factors involve too. However for peace of mind it is best to have a ligation.

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