Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Things You Should Know About Gardening MA

By Andrew Russell

If you want to have your own small garden and plant your own vegetables, and you have never been to planting, here are some helpful tips for you. Gardening MA experts can be found on a number of websites, and you can get more information about the types of plants that best suit your area of living, as well as the climate conditions.

So, you should start with finding the best position for your future garden. It shouldn't be in a shade, because your plants will require at least eight hours of sun a day to grow successfully. Place it near to the water source, it will make your life easier. Imagine fifty yards long garden hose and you will understand why.

Try to estimate the quality of the soil, if you can. If not, ask some experience gardener for advice. Different soils are not good enough for plant growth, for example, sandy types. This type is really poor, without nutrients, and unable to retain water. Of course, it can be improved by adding mulch and compost, or a few inches of better quality material on the top of your plot.

Good quality soil is adequately crumbly, so the roots can easily penetrate it, full of good nutrients and oxygen. This land will drain through all excess water, retaining the moisture at the same time, and your plants will enjoy growing there. Adding different amendments and compost can really improve the quality of your garden soil.

When starting a garden, the first step is to turn the top layer of the soil with a rotary tiller. This top layer should be at least nine inches thick. Clean the area and remove larger rocks, branches and similar things. After that, you should spread a layer of compost on, approximately three inches thick. After that, you should till the plot once again. Sprinkle this layer with water and leave it to rest for a few days.

Select the plants you want to have in your garden. Expert advice might be quite helpful. The composition of the soil might be better for some types of plants, and you can design the exact composition, even only in one part of your future garden, by adding particular compost types or fertilizers. Remember to use only organic fertilizers for this purpose, after all, you are planning to eat your vegetables.

Fertilizing is really important during growth period as well. Maybe one month after planting, it will be a good time to add some nutrients. Making a compost tea is a good idea. Combine compost and water and use this solution for this purpose. Your plants will appreciate this and you will be satisfied with your results.

In the end, after picking and consuming all those tasty plants, it's time to start with the preparations for the next season. You can start improving your soil quality right now. Simply plant peas or clover on your plot and leave it until next spring. Once they start blooming, cut mow them and till into soil. Add another layer of compost and till again, sprinkle water on and yo are ready for another beautiful gardening season.

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